Future CNC explores the future of computer numeric controlled (CNC) manufacturing technologies as they proliferate into domestic, commercial, and creative settings. As the cost of CNC machinery rapidly decreases, powerful, precise, and efficient new tools will become available to a much wider audience. Students are invited to speculate and create a vision for how CNC and robotic fabrication techniques will be put to use in the future.
Course: 48533
Carnegie Mellon University, School of Architecture
With kind support from dFab and Code Lab.
Tuesday 5 – 6 pm: dFAB (basement of MMH)
Friday 8:30 – 10 am: dFAB (basement of MMH)
There will be two assignments. Assignment 01 (worth 15%) is intended to introduce you to the robot and Robot Studio and will take only the first week of classes. Assignment 02 (worth 70%) will take the remainder of the Mini and is an opportunity for you to develop and engage in your own projects. Effort and attendance (worth 15%) will count towards your final grade.
Students are responsible for their own work. Work lost to due computer error, portable media error, or personal error is the responsibility of the student and will not be an excuse for late or missing work.
All classes are required. If you need to miss class for any reason e-mail me.
From the Carnegie Mellon document “Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating”: “In any presentation, creative, artistic, or research, it is the ethical responsibility of each student to identify the conceptual sources of the work submitted. Failure to do so is dishonest and is the basis for a charge of cheating or plagiarism, which is subject to disciplinary action.
Cheating includes but is not necessarily limited to:
1. Plagiarism.
2. Submission of work that is not the student’s own for assignments or exams.
3. Submission or use of falsified data.
4. Theft of or unauthorized access to an exam.
5. Use of an alternate, stand-in or proxy during an examination.
6. Use of unauthorized material including textbooks, notes or computer programs in the preparation of an assignment or during an examination.
7. Supplying or communicating in any way unauthorized information to another student for the preparation of an assignment or during an examination.
8. Collaboration in the preparation of an assignment. Unless specifically permitted or required by the instructor, collaboration will usually be viewed by the university department offering any course as they refer to the amount of help and collaboration permitted in preparation of assignments.
9. Submission of the same work for credit in two courses without obtaining the permission of the instructors beforehand.”